Home » Blog » The two most important questions you need to ask yourself in your business

The two most important questions you need to ask yourself in your business

I don’t have all the answers. It’s dangerous to have them because it almost certainly means you don’t know how to ask yourself the right questions. Being aware that you’re constantly making mistakes is important. Still, that’s okay. As long as you’re sailing, you’ll have a chance to make corrections. Standing still for too long because you don’t know where to go won’t lead you down the wrong path, but it also won’t give you the chance to learn and adapt.

What is the most important thing we need to do now?

This question is probably the oman whatsapp number data simplest one we can answer. We are guided by urgent issues. It may be more obvious. They are typically issues that if we do not resolve them in a short period of time will have serious or even disastrous consequences.

In our case it is this:

  • Buy resale products to sell now.
  • Investing in Lego EOL 2023.
  • Organize spaces to store products that are about to arrive.
  • Making decisions about the products we are going to manufacture in China for Christmas.
  • Close various issues that generate noise (shipments that did not arrive at Amazon, possible lawsuit by a competitor, denial of trademark registration, company audit, etc.)

WhatsApp Data

Before writing this post

This idea crossed my mind. We could structure of the perfect post offer existing sellers on eBay the possibility of selling our products and applying Dropshipping. Every time someone makes a purchase from their account, they access our website and generate a shipment to their client. I need to think about this idea a bit more to make it more precise, so I might discuss it with someone on the team today.

This question is much more complicated because egypt data it is not so obvious. These are important issues that you have to start with even if there is no urgency to do so, but which in the long run will have a very positive impact on the company.

In our case, these are the topics:

  • Move to a new platform and start working with Jira and Confluence.
  • Have shared calendars with MS Office in the cloud.
  • Learn how to manage Pan-Eu ​​without intermediaries.
  • Launch our investor tool.
  • Re-launch our own e-commerce with our own products.

These are the two most important ones for me.

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