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Structure of the Perfect Post

Structure of a perfect post

Writing a blog post is not an exact science. Depending on the target audience and the topic to be addressed, its structure will vary to respond to each case. There are multiple types of posts that we can produce for our audience and not all of them will respond to it.

However, to help your post appeal to both the audience that reads it and search engines, it is advisable that your blog contains the following elements. Take note!

Generally speaking, your title should grab the reader’s attention, create intrigue, and invite them to read the content. The way you define it can vary depending on your own writing style, the profile of your target audience, or the topic you’r advertising database e addressing. Check your blog’s statistics to determine which titles generate the highest click-through rate. Here are some tips.

Make your title in the form of a question or an answer

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Used lists such as “5 Keys to…”
Don’t forget to include keywords .
If possible, do not exceed 70 characters .
Use suspense and intrigue for your titles.
In the first paragraph of your post, try to prepare a summary of the content of the post, briefly describing the topic to be addressed, generating curiosity and including a call to action. This paragraph is also very important since it will be taken by RSS readers such as Feedly as an extract of the content of the post.


In the introductory paragraph

A the second one in the post) expand a little more on the idea that motivated the article. It is your opportunity to arouse the reader’s curiosity and induce him to continue reading.

There are different ways to do this: describing the context in which the news originates, telling an ws data  anecdote that serves as an analogy, explaining the importance of the topic to be discussed, etc. Choose the one that best suits the profile of y charlottesville is a historic mountain our target audience, your writing style and the article itself.

We call the central axis of the post the body . In it you should develop in detail the topic you want to discuss. When doing so, try to follow a coherent thread , separate it into sections using subtitles, provide visual rest spaces by correctly using paragraphs to organize the text.

Closing and Call to Action
Finally, include a few lines to close the idea you developed in the post, inviting readers to leave their impressions in the comments and to share the content on social networks to boost the visibility of the article.

SEO Factors of the Perfect Post
SEO + Blog

Keywords inclusion is still important. However, you should not let this dictate your writing style or the content of your post . Google has recently been updating the algorithms that determine search results, shifting them toward the concept of “semantic search . ”

It focuses on the trend towards voice searches specific to mobile devices and is changing the standards for web positioning . In this way, the meaning of the keyword for the user will be more important than the keyword itself

Google Authorship
Google Authorship aims to give special value in search results to those posts that include a link to the author’s Google + profile at the beginning or end of the text. Incorporating it will improve visibility, rankings and traffic to your blog from Google.



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