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Avoid Using Numbers or

Avoid using numbers or . Hyphens –numbers and hyphens can make your business name seem confusing and difficult to remember. Stick with letters instead. Keep it short – a shorter name is easier to remember . And less likely to be misspelld. Make it easy to spell –you don’t want potential . Choose a .

Name That is Easy to

Name that is easy to spell and search for online. Use a .Com domain –if . Possible, choose a .Com domain for your website. This is the most common and recognizable . Domain suffix, so it will be easier for customers to find you online. Avoid using . Dictionary words –dictionary words are often overuse and can make your business name seem unoriginal. Instead, try using a made-up word or an acronym.

Be Careful With Puns –puns

Be careful with puns –puns can . Be clever, but they can also be confusing or difficult to understand. If you choose . To use a pun in your job seekers database business name, make sure it is clear and easy . To remember. Avoid using geographic names –geographic names can limit your business’s growth potential if . You ever decide to expand outside of your local area. Choose a name that is .

special data

Not Specific to Any One

Not specific to any one location. Don’t use all of these are especially true when trademarked names –you could get into legal . Trouble if you use a name that is already trademarked by another company. Do a . Thorough search before settling on bulk data a business name to make sure it isn’t already taken. Brainstorm with others –coming up with a good business name can be difficult. Get input . From others, such as family and friends, to get some ideas.

Test It Out –once

Test it out –once . You’ve come up with a few possible names, test them out on potential customers to . See which one they react best to.Choosing the perfect name for your business is an . Important decision that should not be taken lightly. Keep these things in mind when brainstorming . Ideas to ensure you end up with a name that is both catchy and reflective .

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