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WordPress To Dos for the New

YearI want to wish you all a very Happy New Year! New Year’s Day can be a time when people feel fresh and renewed. It is a time when you can start over. A time to begin anew! The New Year (and new month or quarter) is also a good time to make some updates to your website. Take a few moments over the next week and handle some of the following: 1. Make sure your copyright date is 2015!

This is probably something that gets

over looked too frequently. Generally speaking at the vietnam phone number data bottom of your page you have a copyright date. If it is NOT automatically updated (some WordPress themes do not), you will have to go in manually and change this. Nothing says ‘Neglected site’ more than an out of date copyright statement! 2. Start taking backups (or continue taking them) on a regular basis!

Phone Number Data

I use WPTwin as a total backup solution

There are others out there – find which one you like convertKit Key features and functions and use it! 3. If you have been taking backups, start to clear out unnecessary archives. I have gigs and gigs of disk space used by from backups. I do not need to have backups from last March! Time to delete them.

As a general rule, I am very comfortable holding bw lists onto 3 months back of backups. 4. Start to think about domain names you might have that should be let go. I have many, many, many domains. Some I am holding onto, and many are live. Think about which sites are ready to be let go, or flipped. 5. Review the users that are registered on your site. Maybe you had a vendor do some debugging for you on your site.

You may have added a new user for him/her to access your WordPress site. If they are not using it, delete that user! 6. Check the security on your site! If you have taken my WP Security Course, you know what needs to be done. If not, one of the biggest security measures would be to change the file and folder permissions (644 and 755 respectively) and change the database prefix. Are there things that you do on your site at the start of the new year? If so, I would love to hear them! Leave a comment below!

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