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who correct us and make us focus

Sometimes I feel like we build business processes and tools that we don’t use as quickly as we should.

But we have a huge advantage: having mentors like Pedro E. Suarez,  on what is important.

A relevant voice with 39 years of experience in a multinational company. Pedro gave us light and clarity to know where we need to focus our commercial efforts.

Here are some takeaways I want to share with you.

Lessons from an experienced mentor

Pedro E. Suarez, with his vast experience, has given us a series of teachings telegram greek dating groups that are pure gold for any sales team.

These lessons not only help us improve our sales skills, but they also teach us to be more strategic and effective.

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Let go of extraordinary

people who don’t work as a team.focus. On 10 key customers and give them as much value as possible. Prepare very well and be super knowledgeable. And professional on the subject.

These lessons are not just empty words. They are principles that, when applied correctly. Can transform the way we operate and engage with our customers.

Let’s delve deeper into each of these points to better understand

their prevent them from becoming larger obstacles importance and how we can implement them in our daily lives.

The SquaderS listening attentively to Pedro Suarez and taking notes from kuwait data the group mentoring.


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