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What Sberbank and government

Recently, Sberbank announced that the SberPro service platforms now operate under the domestic operating system Astra Linux. Initially, it was created mainly for use in government agencies, and now it is becoming .a replacement for foreign products for business enterprises.

We will tell you about

the pros and cons of its two versions. Contents: The origins of Astra Astra Linux for the average user A system for government agencies and corporations The origins of Astra The first talks about Russian analogues of Western systems began in the country in the early 2000s.

During the 2008 crisis, the problem of import substitution korea mobile phone number data was already facing enterprises, which eventually resulted in several major developments. One of them was the Astra Linux operating system, based on the

kernel of the freely distributed Linux (developed abroad, but that’s another story).

mobile phone number library

Initially, the system was created by JSC NPO RusBITech for the defense industry and was intended for.

comprehensive information protection for the purposes of law enforcement agencies. For this purpose, the level of protection of the information processed by the OS was as high as possible.

up to and including state secrets of special importance.

In 2009, it was certified by the Ministry of Defense and the FSB and could be used at .

the most secure military and government facilities. Russian Armed Forces personnel at computers equipped with Astra Linux (photo – minoborony.rf) Stable operation is the most important factor for the operation of such operating systems,

which is probably why

instead of developing their own solutions, the open source Linux OS base was used. Unlike Windows and MacOS, such a base allows you to build your own distribution, which is managed and configured by the end owner at their own discretion. Debian Linux was used as the original OS,

which was considered one of the most stable and reliable at that time. Astra i can’t make enough money to Linux is called the “officially recognized.

branch” of this distribution (Linux does not have any recognized branches as such.

but Debian developers acknowledge the existence of Astra, which is reflected in the article at the link).

The developer states that the license agreements for the OS are developed.

in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, but at the same time “do not contradict.

the spirit and requirements of the GPL license.” In the second half of the 2010s, the operating system fell into the import substitution trend and began to actively promote itself not only as a product for government needs.

In particular, a version of the universal OS for personal computers loan data was released. In addition to state enterprises, Astra also got to the workstations of such companies as Gazprom, Russian Railways and now Sberbank.

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