Ebooks take the next step in the client’s strategy, because their immediate function is to delve deeper into a particular issue that was addressed in a blog post, but superficially.
Ebooks are advanced materials that have a structure to expand on a topic and generally explain how to solve a problem. They are very useful for taking the ideal client to the next level of the sales funnel.
Webinar production
Webinars or online classes respond to the client’s pain in a simple and agile way because they are based on how to do something in practice.
Typically, people who are skilled at speaking on a certain type of issue explain in great detail what the prospect needs to learn to solve his or her problem.
Video Production
There is no denying that currently the consumption of videos to learn and obtain information has a very expressive value in society. This is because their content is easily accessible and interactive .
Communication vehicles tend to offer consumers entertainment in addition to learning, as they capture the viewer’s attention by involving them in the content.
Podcast Production
Podcasts are a dynamic way of transmitting information to people through audio . It is worth remembering that their goal is to offer value through interesting and relevant content for the buyer persona.
Podcasts can also help people learn about your business.
Because it is audio content, it does not require germany phone number list much attention and is very accessible and educational. This allows people to receive information while doing other activities, such as listening while driving, walking or doing laundry.
This content can bring great benefits to your company if developed in an appropriate and interesting way.
What are the advantages of Inbound Marketing for your business?
Discover the advantages of investing in Inbound Marketing below.
It’s a lead generator
Having leads is as important as the strategy itself increase conversion rates and reduce bounce rates Because generating leads tells how your strategy is going. It is essential to understand if your content is reaching the expected customer or, better yet, if it is generating engagement.
It is through leads that the company gets to know the people who are interested in its product or service and has the opportunity to get closer to them. Leads give their information (email, phone number, address, company, etc.) in exchange for exclusive materials that are of interest to them.
With this information, it is possible to create various communication channels that bring your company closer to its audience and, best of all, it is possible to segment these people to converse with them in a more personalized way.
Create a bond with your audience
One of the main aspects of Inbound Marketing is the power to create links between the company and the consumer.
As we have already said, when a person seeks a solution to their difficulty and finds support—through content that understands their frustrations, explains what they should know about that situation and even offers suggestions to help make a decision—that interaction tends to create a connection between the parties, which can be an opportunity to build customer loyalty .
Nourish the purchase flow
After a company has helped its buyer persona once india data it is likely that that person will not only buy again but also become a promoter of its brand.
Have you ever heard the saying: “a satisfied customer will recommend your product to 10 people, but an unsatisfied customer will tell 20 people about their bad experience with your brand”? Then keep that in mind.
Increase the number of recurring sales
Once your company has a buyer persona, it can interact with them and offer them useful products, send them promotions, launch new products, or suggest other opportunities that are ideal for each segment.
We can make the following analogy to understand how the Inbound process works: imagine how a cardiac system works.
Thus, we can say that veins are the Inbound Marketing strategy, since it can be done in different ways, through different channels and being in various places through different formats and approaches .
The heart is the Content Marketing strategy , which when it beats, makes the precise amount of blood reach the organs, nourishing them with what they really need. In the same way, the buyer persona receives interesting content in the language, channel and format they want.
And last but not least, there is blood, which we can compare to the production of valuable content , which serves and travels through the body in the way it needs to reach various places in different and dynamic ways.
Content Marketing is a step forward for companies that want to establish themselves as an authority in the market and become references in what they offer without the need to make large investments.
Content Marketing has the power to reach places that advertising cannot , because it is pleasant and not aggressive. In fact, because it is the user who is looking for information, and when this happens, it is much easier to give them what they really need.
How to implement Inbound Marketing in your company?
Rock Content can help you! We are specialists in Content Marketing strategies that are the focus of Inbound Marketing.
We understand how the market works, how it searches for and consumes information . That’s why we are precise and strategic in creating an action plan so that your company can communicate with its buyer persona accurately and effectively, to generate the best results within the expectations you need.
And to continue helping you in your search for knowledge, we want to share with you what we have learned through years of experience.
We invite you to download this ebook with all the information you need about Inbound Marketing . In campaign and much more!