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What is Inbound Marketing for your company?

Every day, various technological enablers force us to follow the flow of evolution in every sense. A clear example of this evolution is the purchase of a product.

Having the ability to do research before buying prevents us from spending money inappropriately.

Today, unlike 20 years ago, we have the convenience and accessibility of knowing the opinion of those who have already bought or used a certain product or service. And based on this, we can have the opportunity to choose wisely.

Companies must adapt to this consumer

purchasing revolution. And the best answer to have the power to influence is the Inbound Marketing strategy .

If your company is still not taking advantage of Inbound Marketing to gain online visibility, it is because you still do not understand how the web works today.

In this post, you will discover:

  • What is Inbound Marketing and what is it for?
  • How does the strategy work?
  • What are Inbound best practices?
  • What are the advantages of Inbound Marketing for your business?
  • What is the heart of Inbound Marketing?
  • How to implement Inbound Marketing in your company?

Enjoy reading!

What is Inbound Marketing and what is it for?

The name given to the methodology that aims to offer value to the customer even before offering its products and services is Inbound Marketing.

Inbound Marketing, also known as Attraction Marketing, brings many more results than common actions because it communicates more and better with the user, allowing the brand to connect with its audience.

For this methodology to be effective, several  venezuela phone number list actions are necessary, such as the creation of blog posts, ebooks, podcasts, articles and online classes.

All of these practices serve to attract your ideal clients to your company, in search of a solution that your products or services can offer them.

Plus, since the message is specifically targeted to the buyer persona , this gives your results much more precision.


How does the strategy work?

Nowadays it is very easy and practical to clarify doubts on the Internet. No matter what your question is, the Internet offers answers to almost everything, especially if it involves selling a product or service.

A simple example to illustrate this is the following some notes when designing a website to help reduce page If a particular curly-haired woman is having difficulty caring for her dry, porous curls, she is a strong candidate to look for solutions on the Internet.

Companies that have a digital strategy focused and personalized for this girl —defined as the ideal client to purchase their product— will surely invest in the production of content that is relevant and that understands the pain of the buyer persona. In this way, they will be able to clarify her doubts and at the same time suggest solutions to treat her dry and porous curls.

In a very subtle and natural way, this company’s digital strategy will lead the buyer persona through a sales funnel until reaching conversion and loyalty.

You will achieve this by creating posts on your blog to attract (posts that solve problems and identify pain points), convert (posts that suggest that a certain product will be the solution to their problem) and build loyalty (posts that continue to converse with that buyer persona, even after they have already tried the products), making them become a regular consumer of the brand.

What are Inbound best practices?

It is worth noting that the Inbound Marketing  india data strategy is ideal for achieving more consistent and long-lasting results than any other digital strategy. This is because it works differently than advertising, which has a quick return but a very short time to generate results.

In addition to being very expensive to invest in paid media, Inbound has the great advantage of being low investment, because once the materials have been produced correctly, its products can sell themselves .

To get a better idea of ​​what we are talking about, a good example is: think of paid media as if it were your own car.

The rental car has a defined period for you to use and return it, in addition to all insurance costs, fuel and rental fees.

On the other hand, with your own car you have to bear all the maintenance and fuel costs, however, that vehicle will be at your disposal permanently.

This convenience allows you the flexibility to evaluate new ideas, attract other buyer personas to increase your brand reach, and still have a considerable ROI .

The best practices for your Inbound Marketing strategy to be successful are to produce content that meets the needs and expectations of the consumer, to attract them, convert them and build loyalty.

The main ways of playing that role are described below.

Blog post production

Blog posts can be considered as attraction content because their mission is to identify with the buyer persona’s problem.

Describing the situation, explaining the reasons why it occurs and clarifying doubts are the main characteristics of these texts, which are generally simple and have adapted language, in addition 

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