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Using This Toolsetting Up Redirection

You to:“”this is the simplest example of using this toolsetting up redirection is generally not . A complicated process what is more important is how it affects the site’s ranking and . How not to make mistakes during the setup process due to lack of experience, there . Are still certain risks but more on that laterwhat is a redirect?Code means that a . Redirection to another page is being performed – a more relevant and up-to-date one task .

Of Redirect is Not Just

Of redirect is not but the task of redirect is not just to redirect the . User to a given url code signals search robots to stop indexing the page from . Which the redirection is being made and to throw it out of search results and . Its link mass goes to the page where the redirect leads redirect is used in . Situations where it is necessary:move the resource to another domain (for example, from ua to .

Withwithout add the Ability

Biz);move to another address;apply http/https redirection or with www/without add the ability to go to . The site using sev chinese in america eral domain names, etc used when adjusting the url redirects are also . Used when adjusting the url structure, gluing sites, changing cms, and so onlet’s look at . Another simple example we enter the url:“”,and we move on to:“”nothing complicatedwhat types of redirects . Are there?Of course, the redirect is far from the only one that exists there are .

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Used Depending on Your Goals

Several other types of redirects that are used depending on your goals let’s look at . Them in more detail redirect: for permanent redirectio opportunities this august offers you – rekindling friendships and starting new things npermanent redirect (moved permanently) is a method of . Permanent redirection, in which the new page receives up to % of the weight of . The old link the weight is practically not that is, the weight is practically not . Lost, which is important for promotion redirect: for temporary redirectiona temporary redirect to a page .

But It “tells” Search Engines

(moved temporarily) is esse consumer data ntially the same redirect, but it “tells” search engines that the page . Will still be needed and remains relevant accordingly, it continues to be present in search . Results and does not transfer link weight to the new page if necessary, a redirect . Can later be changed to other types of redirects and are the most commonly used . Redirects are others we will only but there are others we will only scratch the .

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