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The text has advanced again by several positions.

Same thing again. Then again. Until I brought that text to page number 1 for a very difficult keyword, such as Cyprus . how to increase the number of visits – content update But why is that so? There are several reasons. The first one is just listed above.

Google loves “fresh content” and prioritizes

It over older content. Google also likes it when you take care of your content . Each addition of paragraphs, images, videos… signals to norway phone number library Google that something good is happening with the text and as such it ranks it higher again.

New likes, clicks and opens also influence

The page you want to move up in searches. Trust me. This technique works perfectly! I tried it with multiple texts and whenever I wanted to rank high for a keyword, I would use this. SEO takes time and there are no overnight wins. It is enough just to enrich the text with one or two passages and insert a new image, infographic or whatever you want and share the text again.

Try it, you’ll be surprised how it works

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How to increase site traffic: Technique 2 – Insert your best articles into other articles you want to promote Another great way to increase your ranking. In Google Search Console, find keywords for which you rank highly.

These are words where you are in the TOP 5 in searches.

I have marked below some words for which I rank in the TOP 5. how to increase site visits – links The next step is to find texts in 5 key tips for selling on telegram which you have used these keywords and insert these texts into the post that you want to raise in the results.

What’s going on here? One of the ways to write good

SEO text is by inserting strong internal and external links within it. The more links to authoritative sites, the better. But it’s even better when we insert a link to a text that ranks in the TOP 5 for a specific term. If it follows adb directory  the story and if you can, insert at least 2-3 links of your best ranked texts in each text. In this way, you give Google a signal that you are putting content in the current text that it likes a lot and that ranks high, and in this way, the text that you want to raise in searches gains importance and importance.

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