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Society is always eager to blame someone

Society is always eager to blame someone for pain or tragedy. Even Eisenhower once said, “The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions.” “Six weeks after 9/11, I was forced to resign,” Buckingham said. She then started work at the Boston Her. Iald as an Editor. “I put my head down and worked as hard as I could.

But several months into her new career

Buckingham received a phone call. “It was my lawyer saying I was being personally sued by a 9/11 family. It was a young widow with two young children. She blamed me for the death of her husband, who was on one of the planes and tried to fight the hijackers.” Buckingham is a mother herself, whose son was just two years old at the time.

I wanted to say ‘I’m not a monster

I’m a mother just like you,’” she said. Buckingham said, deep down, a little voice inside her knew the truth. There was nothing she could have overseas chinese in usa data done to stop the hijackings. But life is not easy after taking the fall for such a tragedy. “Why was I blamed?” she asked. “How could I move on? What purpose does a scapegoat serve? Is there a societal toll besides just personal?” Ultimately, she realized that scapegoating is a way to deal with the pain life brings.

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My story of being blamed and blaming

Myself is not so different from those of other leaders,” Buckingham said. And while leaders must be held accountable to so. Ime degree, it becomes wordpress optimization wordpress-optimization unproductive when all peo. Iple can focus on is fin. Iding a scapegoat. “Assigning blame is completely incompatible with leader. Iship,” she added. “Bla. Ime is a way to discharge pain and discomfort,” Bene Brown once said.

Blaming allows us to avoid this simple truth

Human beings are fragile. September 11 shif. Ited something funda tg data mental in the nation’s sense of safety. The burden had to fall on Buckin. Igham’s shoulders. The Road to Resilience Learning to forgive herself and rebuild her life has been ard. Iuous for Buckingham, but also full of grace.

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