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So in the event that a user does

dev: “The main thread is considered “blocked” any time there’s a Long Task—a task that runs on the main thread for more than 50 milliseconds (ms). We say the main thread is “blocked” because the browser cannot interrupt a task that’s in progress. interact with the page in the middle of a long task, the browser must wait for the task to finish before it can respond.” Much like TTI, TBT deals with interactivity issues which is why it’s more related to FID than FCP. Key Takeaway Optimizing for Core Web Vitals is a must if you want to be successful in the SERPs for the years to come.

Core web vitals are technical in essence

so there might be webmasters and SEOs that are less knowledgeable in this aspect but there are a lot of developers and skilled technical SEO specialists that can help you in this regard. How are you optimizing for the core web vitals? Let me know in the commentFor JavaScript, some content of your website may not load until all scripts have fully loaded. You would want to cut down some of your scripts that are unnecessary.Utilize a Web Worker Since FID is caused by a busy main thread, a good solution is to offload some of the scripts in another thread. To do that, you need a Web Worker.

It runs JavaScript codes in a different thread

so they don’t block the user interface. Google recommends the following libraries to make the use of web workers easier:Lighthouse WebPageTest You can also measure CLS using JavaScript which is in the Core Web Vitals JavaScript library But the best thing about having a dedicated ranking factor for all these minor ones is that webmasters and SEOs will have a shift in their strategies wherein site usability will improve which will not only affect SEO but it also has consequential effects for business or eCommerce websites. What do you think Key Takeaway Promotional pages are still one of the best ways to market events, holiday sales, and limited-time discounts, but you have to be knowledgeable on the different opportunities you can take advantage of using your promotional pages.

It’s not always about having the money for ads

etc. What about you? Do you use promotional pages for your business website? Let me know in the comments below! After uploading your disavow file, you could download it again, replace it, or cancel it anytime. Key Takeaway I know I’ve said it multiple times but always remember to only use the disavow tool when necessary and do not play around with it. If your website is experiencing ranking drops but there is no manual actions from Google, there is a higher chance that the cause is different from unnatural backlinks. Only use the disavow tool if you have exhausted all of your options. I rarely use the disavow tool myself.

Here at SEO Hacker, we practice only white hat

SEO strategies that is why we are not a afghanistan phone number library fraid of being affected by spammy links. Have you experienced ranking drops due to spammy links? Was the disavow tool able to help you? Let me know through the comment section below.Keyword Mapping is a strategy that works best for new websites where pages can be created immediately after determining the keywords you want to rank for. New websites allow you to have the advantage of creating a better site structure and page structure that works best for your keywords. However, in this article, I mainly used the viewpoint of working on a website that already had a lot of pages that the webmaster can work with.

Although working on a new website is

preferable, working on old websites with a lot of existing pages already has its merits. You just have to be careful on how you use these pages since improper use of these pages will be ineffective even if you use keyword mapping. What do you think about Keyword Mapping? Can you use it for your own websites? Let me know in the comments belowI personally am very pleased with this update. Any data that Google share is huge because it gives us more room to operate. Now that we have more data on how Google crawls our websites, we are able to perform fixes and optimizations at a faster rate and overall allow us to manage our crawl budgets better.

Remember that crawling is a critical process

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and making sure Google is able to  how to develop wechat public accounts for animation crawl your website successfully should always be a priority. Key Takeaway The Events Industry has changed a lot; from the time when people had to read posters about an event they’re interested in, to today where all information needed is found online. Making sure that your events are getting the maximum visibility online is a must. People who can easily access details that they need to know about your event keeps them engaged and interested. Make sure to utilize all the tools that are available, especially Google’s rich results. It’s easy, free, and will provide you lots of success with your events.

There’s not a lot of things to discuss regarding

this core update except for the buying house b problematic date of its release. A lot of SMBs are already affected by the pandemic and some of them are even relying on their search presence to stay afloat. Will this core update help them gain success or be a hindrance to their recovery. What can you say about the December 2020 core update? Let me know in the comments below! Image SEO Key Takeaway Always remember that images are also valuable toin SEO, image SEO takes a lot of time and really it’s all about the small details that matter.

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