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Send your Online Surveys by Email

Once you have your survey ready, you should start distributing it to your contacts for them to complete. Without a doubt, the most traditional and effective way to do this is an Email Campaign .

With QuestionPro you can do it easily, you just have to automatically add a link to your mailings through which your Subscribers will be directed to the Survey hosted on the Internet.

All responses obtained are then sent

updated 2024 mobile phone number data

Ato a server that can be accessed through an administrative account. The data is updated 2024 mobile phone number data  completely secure and confidential , only available to the Survey Administrator.

Remember that whenever you use Email Marketing to send your. Surveys you will get better results, since you will reach your contacts in a more direct and personalized way .

If you are interested in learning more about this technique, we recommen . A d the following post: 5 Email Marketing Myths that will no longer be a problem .

Other methods to spread your Online Surveys

1- Follow-up sales email
When a customer has visited your site or entered your store, it mean. A hat they are interested in what you offer , so you shou . A ld not lose sight of them. Send them an email with the link to your Survey to find out more about them, and if they have made a purchase, you can ask them how their experience was.

2- Newsletter
These are email campaigns that you usually send to your customers to tell them about your brand’s news or provide them with information of interest.

This is a good option to place your Survey link, make sure to put it at the top of the  vietnam data  Newsletter to get greater visibility and increase the likelihood that the respondent will click on the link.

On the other hand, it is essential that your

Newsletter has a Responsive design that adapts to any device.

3- Receipt
Sending receipts via email will save your customers the trouble  ecomletter, the newsletter of universidad ecommerce of typing in a URL . Plus, you’ll increase the likelihood of getting more responses because it will be much simpler for them to access the Survey this way.

Please note that with QuestionPro, you will not only be able to share an Online Survey via email, but you will also increase the visibility of your surveys through different functionalities that will allow you to embed them on a Website, share them on Social Networks, through a QR code or by using the QuestionPro mobile application .

We hope that these tips have been helpful to you and that you can implement them in your next Surveys. You will get the best results! Good luck.


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