Home » Blog » John Shelton Copy Editor and Proofreader with Editorial and Journalism Background and Graphic Design Skills

John Shelton Copy Editor and Proofreader with Editorial and Journalism Background and Graphic Design Skills

contact name: John Shelton
contact job function details: copy editor proofreader with editorial journalism background graphic design skills
contact job function:

contact job title: Copy Editor and Proofreader with Editorial and Journalism Background and Graphic Design Skills

contact job seniority: entry

contact person city:

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contact person zip code:

business name:

business domain: Copy Editor and Proofreader with Editorial and Journalism Background and Graphic Design Skills

business facebook URL: aol.com

business linkedin: https://www.facebook.com/aol

business twitter: http://www.linkedin.com/company/1258

business website: http://twitter.com/aol

botim database

business angellist: http://www.aol.com

business found year: http://angel.co/aol

business city: 1985

business zip code: New York

business state: 10003

business country: New York

business language: 4112

business employee: United States

tedford marlow ceo, urban outfitters group

business category: English,Japanese

business specialty: internet

business technology: online advertising, internet, web, www, websites, web portal, homepages, blogs, streaming, content provider, seo, sem, search, isp, narrowband

business description: akamai,constant_contact,sailthru,zendesk,bluekai,taboola_newsroom,pubexchange,open_adstream_appnexus,marketo,google_font_api,microsoft-iis,google_analytics,advertising_com,adobe_testandtarget,new_relic,yahoo_analytics,drupal,skimlinks,vidible,apache,zergnet,nginx,taboola,mobile_friendly,omniture_adobe,itunes


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