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How To Raise Your Rates Without Scaring Away

Clients Rates paper holeWith 2015 just turning the corner, you may be thinking of raising your rates… I know I am! Many independent business owners, especially in the beginning, set their rates too low. You probably already know that you want to earn more for each hour of your time. T but it can be hard to break the news to your clients . T not to mention the fear that comes with the idea of many of them leaving you.

Let’s face it  you are probably setting

your fees and your rates too low. You wnat to raise turkey phone number data them, but you may be worried about loosing some people. I know that I used to feel that way as well. You should never sell your services on price alone! If you try to do that, someone else will always win out (think fiverr.com!) Here are four tips to help make raising your rates easier: 1) Give Current Clients Plenty Of Notice It’s never a good idea to send an email. T out of the blue announcing that you’re raising your rates right away.

Phone Number Data

Instead aim to give your clients

around a month’s notice and. T send out emails letting write easy-to-rank SEO content with the most advanced them know they can order at the current rate until a set date. This can even work in your favor: try offering a “buy now and save” offer where they. T  can book you in advance at the lower rate. 2) Be Honest If you’re raising your rates by a huge increment, let the client know that you’ve developed as a writer since you first started working with them.

Maybe you were just finding your feet and are now bw lists established in the market, or maybe now you have extra skills to bring to the table. Be honest and your clients will appreciate that fact. And remember that you’re perfectly entitled to ask for more even without a reason, and you don’t need to apologize for it. 3) Know That It’s OK If Some Of Your Clients Stop Working With You The good news is that most clients will understand and want to stick by you when you do raise your rates.

There will, however, be a few who can’t afford it. Don’t worry about it! Remember, even if you’re only raising your rates by a couple of cents per word, it still means earning the same amount of money for less work.

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