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How to promote a Facebook page using storytelling posts?

Storytelling posts Behind every Facebook page, ie. behind every brand are the people who represent it. Share with your Facebook fans a warm human story and make a closer contact with them.

If you are the owner of the brand

Share an interesting story with your fans about how you came up with the idea to start a business, what were the obstacles you had to overcome in morocco phone number library order to progress, what you have learned through your previous work, etc.

Talk to your employees and share their stories

That remind them of your brand. If you have a team of volunteers doing internships in your company, you can do an interview with them and share the story on your Facebook page. Advertising on Facebook and brain teasers .

More than 97% of people will not know

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The solution to this puzzle! If this sentence sounds familiar to you, you must have been a victim of the infamous Facebook masterminds who are responsible for the largest amount of wasted time on this social network. Whether you were looking for differences in two photos, trying to find the correct result of a math puzzle.

Looking at what the heck is wrong with this photo

solving a crossword puzzle, a paper clip, a puzzle or finding a missing puzzle, you have already come across posts of this type. . The advantage of brain choosing the right content management system (cms) for your business teasers is that they encourage users to make a certain interaction, in this case – a comment.

An additional advantage is that

Compared to other posts, users on average spend more time looking at the puzzle or clicking on it, which certainly contributes to a higher (un)paid adb directory reach of the post. Consider how you could implement posts of this type in your Facebook strategy, because it will definitely have a positive impact on the overall reach of your page’s posts.

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