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How much should we bill this Christmas on Amazon?

If it weren’t for the bank loans, I would be satisfied with modest growth this year. When I say “modest” we are talking about 20-30% growth. The bet we have made requires us to be much more ambitious.

260k turnover in November and December 2022

It will not be easy to exceed 2022’s turnover by a lot. The growth figures have already been considerable. 2022 has exceeded 2021 by 30%. The good thing we have is the Lego part. We have a lot of Lego in stock, what is not yet netherlands whatsapp number data foreseeable is how many of those sets we will actually be able to “release”. Last year 71k were Lego sales, which is already a very good sign. These are the two months where sales are taken out. Here more than 25% is generated with Lego when during the rest of the year the percentage is much smaller.

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Pokémon has been able to contribute around 50k

I’m surprised that it was less than email subjects that will grab your customers’ attention Lego considering the weight it is having right now in our sales. What’s more surprising is the weight our former top seller has had. The word “former” here doesn’t really apply. It seems that last Christmas we were lucky enough to be able to buy product in relevant quantities to reach a turnover of 100k. This worries me a little.

550k turnover by 2023

This is the start of our plan. We need to start egypt data putting the figures together to get an idea of ​​how sales will be in 2023. My idea and forecast is as follows.

  • The top sales will be back at 100k in turnover. This requires a lot of luck so that we can once again have access to similar offers as those we saw last year.
  • With Pokémon we need more. We are going to add about 150k in revenue this year. We have to optimize last year’s top sellers and add some new ones.

We also need to be lucky with Lego

  • We are going to make 150k this year. That’s more than double compared to last year.
  • This year, private label products must already be a significant contributor to the overall result. We need to add another 100k of our private labels.
  • Then there’s the rest. With all the rest I hope to be able to bill around 50k.

There is the first forecast. We are going to double last year’s results. Now we just have to do it.

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