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an essential communication tool in case of crisis

SMS A simple, cost-effective and highly effective solution that allows your company to communicate quickly, instantly and reliably on your recipients’ smartphones. It allows you to inform and send alerts to stakeholders without delay in situations of crisis, emergency, etc. Whether you are informing a single person or a large contact base, mobile communication of your alerts remains the most effective method, both in terms of the immiacy of sending and receiving content and in terms of reading rate. SMS By way of comparison, media can be us to reach the masses, but they have a personal and direct imprint.

Don’t wait any longer, create your own mobile alarm system, adaptable to your organization and its nes.


SMS The benefits of using it to manage crisis situations



SMS With a reading rate of almost 95% (and an average reading time of 3 minutes), it surpasses its competitors, email and social networks. It is currently the most popular communication tool for companies.

The email itself is read by up to 20%/30%, but be careful, it can remain unheard for hours or even days in the inbox.

Publications on social networks have variable visibility rates, which mainly depend on two criteria: the social network’s algorithm and the time of publication. Between 10% and 30% of subscribers, both on LinkedIn and Instagram, will be “reached” by your post. It goes without saying that this is the last channel of choice for crisis communication.

The ability to generate quick responses is critical to your emergency sms promotional campaign communications. SMS E has a 45% response rate, compared to 6% for email. Social media engagement depends on how engaged your audience is with your brand and how relevant the content you share is. The direct response rate can vary greatly, but is generally lower than a short message.

sms promotional campaign

SMS is proving to be the most effective means of communication, and not only that, it is also the cheapest.



SMS Taking into account the unit cost of the message, the package and the setup, it is the cheapest exchange tool on the market. The cost of a mobile message campaign is particularly competitive. It allows you to maximize your visibility without increasing your internal budgets.



SMS The strength is also the universality of the mobile phone as a means of communication. In fact, 99% of French people own a mobile phone. SMS Whatever the phone model of your recipients, whatever the sms exploit the potential of a2p application to person Internet connection conditions, it will ensure that your crisis communication information is received.


Speed ​​and immediacy

Contact your recipients anywhere, anytime to meet your every ne. SMS can be receiv and read almost instantly, making it the ideal tool for crisis management communications.



Our services allow you to set up scenarios to be activat in the event of a crisis. It is a gambler data way to manage your alert strategy with complete peace of mind.


Crisis Communication Message Examples

Whether your company/institution is affect by a small outage or a total unavailability of service (both internal and external), it is necessary to implement an effective communication plan upstream that allows you to react instantly to these threats, avoiding a second crisis. Adapt the content to your nes and your organization to warn your recipients and customers. SMS Here are some examples to include in your communication plan for stakeholders in the event of a crisis:

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