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A results generated. Still don’t have a plan?

Set the optimal publication frequency , that is, how often you will publish new posts . When doing so, you should take into account the following variables:

Statistics: Analyze your blog’s metrics. There are usually days of the week when traffic spikes occur . Ideally, you should schedule your post to be published on those days.

Available resources: Keep in mind that publishing content with a certain f overseas data requency implies having the necessary resources for this purpose. The key variables are:

Time: To conduct prior research

write and optimize the content for publication, and then promote it.

overseas data
Available staff: Writing posts is probably not your only job, nor that of your team, which can impact the time required to produce them.
Establish the target audience for your posts. Don’t know how? A good way to do it is by creating “personas” that fit the different profiles of the same audience .

There are different opinions on how long the perfect post should be . Those who defend shorter articles argue that they make the most of the reader’s attention span without diluting the idea they want to convey .

On the other hand, there are those who claim that a long post improves positioning because Google assumes that a long article is always more elaborate and of higher quality . And the same thing happens with users who are more likely to share them.

So how do you define the length of your article?

By testing! Not all topics require the same amount of words, so length can be a variable characteristic depending on the topic you decide to write about and other circumstances.

The tone of the post should reflect the style and personality of our brand . If your bra ws data nd has an informal and relaxed profile, it is important that the post reflects this in its writing style, the words it uses and the way it addresses the reader.

Visual Content
Incorporating quality images and videos into your post will help add v in the same year death alue to your content and keep your audience engaged . In turn, these can be easily shared on social media , boosting the virality of your post. Keep these tips in mind:

Use images that match the topic of your article and enhance your readers’ experience.
Optimize your images for search engines by filling out the title, ALT, and caption fields with keywords .
You can’t just include any image you find on the web. Use Creative Commons which can be published without problems . Get them here .
Use the same image several times in different content as it improves its positioning in Google Images .
Strategically choose where you will place the images to provoke the desired effect on your reader.
Each post must have a solid dissemination strategy. You will need to define which social networks you will share it on and which tools you will use to monitor the Learn how to disseminate your content in the following post .

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