Home » Blog » A German seller on Amazon wants to sue me if I continue using his listing

A German seller on Amazon wants to sue me if I continue using his listing

Pride can be a problem. Especially when you have to make a decision where you. Know and coldly sense that your ego could be in your way. This is the situation we are facing. The issue has been going on for some time now. I have mentioned it in the post about toxicity among salespeople.

This is the situation

We are selling a product that has been created by a third-party seller. They do so under a brand on Amazon that is a combination of their brand and a trademark registered by a third party. Therefore the brand they are using is not theirs and would even be violating the trademark rights of the third party that has older rights (it is a German Post trademark).

On Amazon you can remove another poland whatsapp number data seller from Amazon with a simple click, stating that they are selling a counterfeit. This has happened twice now and we have appealed against it and for the second time Amazon has reactivated the product. At midnight I received a message from the seller again threatening me with a lawsuit.

WhatsApp Data

My options

The options I have are simple:

  1. I’ll leave you with your listing. It also anatomy of a perfect blog post involves a cost of removing around 300 products, which would entail a cost of 0.5 per product. That would be a total cost of 150 euros.
  2. I’m not going to back down and risk being sued. From what I’ve been quickly investigating, I don’t think I can win the trial, but in the end I have to invest time to win the case.
  3. I make one last attempt to end things amicably. I had initially suggested that he let me finish selling the products I have in stock and then I leave without sending any more inventory to his listing.

It’s a difficult decision

The time cost of defending myself when he egypt data sues me is certainly greater than just walking away now. But I’m telling you right now that my pride prevents me from going down that path. At least that’s how I feel right now.

The cost could also be considered as an investment in learning for future cases. In this case it would be less of a waste of time but it is still going too far to justify the step.

I have to make a decision today. I will discuss it with the team before taking the step.

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