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Companies Must Comply With Regulations That Come

Companies must comply with regulations that come into effect from january they focus on medical . Advertising devices and aim to increase safety and transparency new rules for social events according . To the new regulations when operating medical social media you must ensure communicate innovations in . An understandable clear and transparent way focus only on the facts ie avoid using words . Such as the best experts the most effective medicines the most modern equipment the best . Facilities in the city do not compare yourself to the competition comparison with rivals no .

Guarantee of Specific Results and Patient Effectiveness

Guarantee of specific results and patient effectiveness time for results abandon persuasion and persuasion to . Use the service do not attribute to the medical device any functions features and characteristics . That may mislead the recipient do not use before and after treatment photos as they . May be seen as a promise of results include information about product manufacturer information and . Warnings in advertisements in the image of a doctor images of doctors in advertising it . Is also worth noting that the amendments to the regulations also cover the use of .


Information That Identifies a Specific Person in

Information that identifies a specific person in a post or story unless you have that . Persons consent when running social media campaigns for the medical industry you must also remember . To appropriately label intense scenes such as those that are often considered shocking showing blood . Etc the purpose of the mes spam number data sage is the message is intended to warn and allow . The recipient to decide for themselves whether they want to view the content also remember . That intense content on social media should only be posted for educational purposes this should .

special database

Be Clearly Labeled and Properly Explained Such

Be clearly labeled and properly explained such as in surgical photos photo flag examples of . Controversial content on source also includes medical ethics the code of medical ethics also requires . That doctors operating on social media refrain from promoting antihealth attitudes through their actions and . Express their view taking vacations is for lazy entrepreneurs s in a manner understandable to the average recipient based on current medical . Knowledge an important tool for medical marketing however in order to realize their full potential . Your presence on youtube tok or linkedin must be properly planned and must take into .

Images of Doctors in Advertising Including on

Images of doctors in adver egypt data tising including on social media before the new regulations were passed . Messages often featured actors or models in overalls in an effort to increase trust in . The message currently this type of activity is prohibited characters in ads may not wear . Distinctive medical clothing or have attributes associated with that professional group medical ethics and social . Standards medical ethics in society medical ethics in social media principles of communication in social . Media in the healthcare industry also require maintaining the confidentiality of patient data dont share .

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