Very durable so they are shortlife products the rigid demand and low lifespan determine that . The consumer repurchase rate of shirts must be very high high brand loyalty will also . Make the customers life cycle value ltv life time value very high the traffic acquisition . Model we generally talk about gmv gross merchandise transaction volume traffic x customer unit price . X conversion rate x repurchase rate this is a classic formula for ecommerce operations grasping . Customers on one hand and conversion rate on the other hand can support an ecommerce .
Business the Ltv Marketing Model is Another
Business the ltv marketing model is another set of logic ltvlt average retention time xarpu . Average user value for example in my jade taiwan email list business if the lt is years and . The arpu is yuanyear each customer can contribute a gmv worth yuan if I want . To earn enough gmv for a small target I need to find customers look this . Is the charm of ltv this formula highlights not customer acquisition and conversion but retention . Lt and arpu user value we will not expand on the operational ideas and methods .
Of Ltv Here but We Can Learn
Of ltv here but we can learn some essences from the operation of luo shirt . User demandoriented product development it is not easy wordpress optimization wordpress-optimization to buy a formal shirt that fits . The push board perfectly the main feature of luo shirt is exclusive sizes compared with . Regular sizes it provides customers with more choices lei jun also used a similar approach . In the latest xiaomi with dozens of customized colors which were ridiculed by users maybe . The car paint color was adjusted too much and it was used on the mobile .
Phone to Sell Give the Highest Weight
Phone to sell give the highest weight to user satisfaction luo shirt invests of its . Profits in aftersales service providers and provides free repair and return services for nonhuman damage . Within days user satisfaction is related to the most cg leads important user retention indicator in the . Ltv model for every point increase in user retention rate the corresponding sales may be . Hundreds of thousands or millions no penny is thrown away by merchants in vain extend . The length of the user life cycle not only selling goods luo also establishes a .